We develop business together.

It is a distinctive global community, founded on the collaborative economy and dedicated to bringing together visionary leaders from different sectors.

We are the only decentralized and autonomous network organization where everyone involved in a community participates in decisions, collaborates in the execution of activities and contributes to results.

Collaborative economy.

The Collaborative Economy is at the heart of our philosophy; with it, we redefine business growth by creating a model that values the sharing of resources, knowledge, and experiences, resulting in editions and meetings held with unique agility and flexibility, creating a rich environment in opportunities.

LeaderX's philosophy is deeply humanistic, focusing on the individual and the exchange of experiences without the need for financial investment to become or remain a member.

LeaderX Framework

Our organizational structure is meticulously designed on three interconnected levels: Global, Communities and Chapters.

Each plays a vital role in harmonizing our collective efforts. At the Global level, we outline the overarching vision and strategies that guide our network, ensuring adherence to common values and objectives, regardless of geographical barriers.

Communities and Chapters

The Communities, positioned at the heart of our structure, are established in a diversity of countries, each reflecting local cultural and economic nuances. This approach not only contributes to local relevance, but also enriches our global vision through diversity and inclusion.

Within these Communities, the Chapters represent more specific segmentations, allowing for even more targeted action adapted to local needs. This structure facilitates greater proximity and interaction between members, making it possible to hold events, meetings and collaborative projects.

At the head of these three layers are the Presidents and Ambassadors, whose leadership is essential for coordinating activities, promoting our vision and strengthening ties. These leaders, selected for their dedication to the principles of the Collaborative Economy and their ability to generate impact, are pillars of our organization.

Americas Community

Access page.

Brazil's Community

Access page.

Chapter Vale

Acesse a página.


To bring this innovative model to life, which is based on the principles of an autonomous, decentralized and network-oriented organization, we have adopted an organizational structure that is based on cores of expertise.

This strategy aims to attract and engage entrepreneurial leaders in temporary multidisciplinary teams, known as squads.

These teams, characterized by their autonomy, high performance and agility, are crucial to the success of our editions, events and experiences on a global scale, promoting collaboration and expanding our projects.


CTO LeaderX

Carlos Brandão

CMO LeaderX

Hans Werner

CLO LeaderX

Robson Padilha

CCO LeaderX

Wil Ferreira

Be a leader who inspires

To become a member of this community, your journey preferably begins with a nomination by an active member, which must be followed by the essential endorsement of one of our esteemed presidents or ambassadors.

Join a global community of visionary and influential leaders, click below to find out the requirements.





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